door Kiran Aswani | feb 7, 2025
Aside from the fantastic weather (one can’t help but swoon at the sunny winter the Spanish are blessed with, if one is from the Netherlands); it was an inspirational endeavor to travel to ESIC University in Madrid, Spain for the one-week Blended Intensive Program:...
door Kiran Aswani | jan 10, 2025
When was the last time you were inside a bricks and mortar bank? In the Netherlands, in 2023, there was a 95% penetration rate of online banking (Statista, 2024). It is very likely that you already use fintech on a daily basis. Think of all the ‘tikkies’ you send in a...
door Dries van den Enden | dec 30, 2024
Kennis groeit exponentieel. Elke dag worden er duizenden artikelen gepubliceerd, nieuwe technologieën geïntroduceerd en baanbrekende ontdekkingen gedaan. Toch voelt het soms alsof al die kennis nauwelijks iets verandert in de manier waarop we leven, werken en...
door Dries van den Enden | nov 22, 2024
Langzaamaan stapt het hoger onderwijs richting een breekpunt. Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) verandert niet alleen hoe we toetsen ontwerpen, maar legt ook bloot wat er fundamenteel mis is met ons huidige systeem. Als we AI simpelweg integreren in de bestaande...
door Ronald Scheer | nov 13, 2024
In this short video I will share the result of my chat with Perplexity about how teachers can make exams AI-proof for their students. I will also explain that there are 2 features of Perplexity that I like, when I compare Perplexity AI with other chatbots such as: *...
door Ronald Scheer | okt 29, 2024
Do you have pictures that are not wide enough as a landscape picture? Or not tall enough as a portrait picture? Are you worried that you cannot use your pictures in your Powerpoint or lessonplan? Dont worry. I created a short video where I demonstrate how you can...