Physical, Mental and Emotional Costs

As I head towards the start of teaching management accounting next week, where I will cover costs extensively in the module, I started thinking about what it means for something to be a cost to me. Like the managers sitting in companies, breaking down and analysing...

Short-term, Long-term

The balance sheet can be broadly divided into five categories. These are the long-term (or non-current or fixed) assets; short-term (or current) assets; long-term (or non-current) liabilities; short-term (or current) liabilities; and equity. The formula is always the...

Money Value of Time

A favorite topic among students is time value of money … not! But everyone loves money. What it can buy. What it allows you to do. The (temporary) happiness that it brings. But no one likes the formulas for time value of money, let alone the calculations, let alone...

Oh my AI! … and taxes?

AI. It is a hot topic. Everyone is all about AI. It is not a new topic. The first AI conference was held in 1956. It was there, in the Dartmouth Conference, where the term AI was born. Guess AI has finally reached its tipping point, and become famous and commonplace...
#TheChallengers call(s) for you

#TheChallengers call(s) for you

Are you looking for a creative minor, internship or graduation project? Do you have a fascination for sustainable development goals, social change and transformation? Do you want to work together with creatives on wicked problems and new scenarios for the future? Join...