door Ronald Scheer | jun 13, 2023
In het kader van de podcastserie over ‘De Circulaire Sprong’ heb ik gesproken met John Blankendaal. Dit gesprek is te beluisteren als podcast op Spotify, en ook te bekijken op YouTube. Kijk jij mee? Over John Blankendaal John Blankendaal is managing...
door Kiran Aswani | jun 8, 2023
I was out shopping for some cupboards … just two extra ones, in exactly the same color, size and style as the ones I currently have. So I went back to the same shop where I went to some seven years back to purchase the original ones. Of course, the guy had my record...
door Ronald Scheer | mei 29, 2023
Voor wie interesse heeft in Circulaire Transitie: mijn gesprek met Godelieve Spaas en Jifke Sol is nu beschikbaar. Direct luisteren? Dat kan hier! Over Godelieve Spaas Godelieve Spaas is lector Sustainable Strategy and Innovation bij Avans Hogeschool. Ze onderzoekt en...
door Ronald Scheer | mei 23, 2023
Voor wie interesse heeft in Circulaire Transitie: mijn gesprek met Jifke Sol is nu beschikbaar: Over Jifke Sol Jifke is Lector Circulaire Transities bij Fontys Hogeschool. In deze eerste aflevering vertelt Jifke hoe Fontys en Avans samen onderzoek doen. Over De...
door Kiran Aswani | mei 10, 2023
One of the topics we are covering now is cost of fixed assets. It is called depreciation. You can depreciate an asset, over its useful life (cause nothing and no one is immortal), by a fixed amount per period or by a percentage or by a factor. We call these...
door Kiran Aswani | apr 20, 2023
As I head towards the start of teaching management accounting next week, where I will cover costs extensively in the module, I started thinking about what it means for something to be a cost to me. Like the managers sitting in companies, breaking down and analysing...