door Team Rembrandts | feb 26, 2019
Start Orange County Regional Dag(en) : Uur(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Officially the building ended last week Tuesday, but we had to ship our robot on Monday already to get it to the Orange County Regional in time for the start of the competition season. Since we were...
door Team Rembrandts | feb 13, 2019
Stop Build Day Dag(en) : Uur(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Parts to assemble the robot have been delivered. Custom parts were being milled, turned, welded and laser cut. Prefab parts had been ordered and were eagerly awaited. The very first system we were able to...
door Team Rembrandts | feb 1, 2019
Stop Build Day Dag(en) : Uur(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) A robot will not work without software. While the robot for the Destination: Deep Space game isn’t built yet, doesn’t mean that our programmers can lay back and wait. On the contrary, our programmers...