A blast of energy in a tiny package

A blast of energy in a tiny package

We are all born curious: Elmira (Emy) Jamalian (28) software community manager, translator, copywriter, software QA Tester and traveller Emy was born and raised in Shiraz, Iran. She describes growing up in Iran as living in a bubble “because it’s so different from the...
Wat is jouw excuus?

Wat is jouw excuus?

Foto credit: www.eefphotography.com Esther Jacobs is een digitale nomade. Ze heeft geen vast woonadres, reist de wereld rond, is nooit langer dan drie weken op één plek en doet precies wat zij leuk vindt. Onzekerheid is haar comfortzone. Esther is de ‘No Excuses...